
Summary |  Website Showcase |  FancyStuff

Brief: To create an jewelery showcase site to be able to work with existing product images with a black or dark background. To incorporate products with additional detailed product information as well as additional detailed product images. To have a design structure of a single product per page format to aid search engines indexing.

Completed Site: The site was designed with a primarily black background to to best show off the product images. Additional soft colours were used including a soft grey to help ease the stark contrasted text. The site is inteneded to grow over time and additional information pages and products will be added.



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Summary |  Website Showcase |  FancyStuff

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SellerDeck/Actinic Layouts V11
Image Optimisation
SellerDeck/Actinic Layouts V10 to v8
SellerDeck/Actinic Templates V7
Sports Club Websites

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